Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to Remove Mold from Wood Furniture

Mold or mildew is a type of fungus that thrives and multiplies in warm, moist environments, especially on organic materials such as paper, leather, wood, natural fibers or surfaces coated with the slightest amount of organic matter such as food or soil. Furniture made from natural wood is especially prone to mildew if proper care is not taken to prevent its growth. The best recourse is obviously preventive measures such as eliminating dampness and routinely cleaning your furniture. But in case your wooden furniture is afflicted with mold, follow these steps to remove it:

Things You'll Need:
Rubber gloves
Chlorine bleach
Wood cleaner


1 Begin as soon as you notice mold or experience moist, musty odor associated with mold.

2 Soak a clean, soft washcloth in a solution made of 3 parts water and 1 part mild detergent. Wring the solution till the cloth is almost dry. Wipe the surface of the furniture to remove mold from it.

3 Wipe only a small area at a time. Follow up with another washcloth dipped in plain water. Use a clean, dry cloth to thoroughly dry the surface.

4 Ensure that each area is completely dry before proceeding to another area.

5 Use any furniture cleaner to wipe your furniture if you notice white, greasy film on it. This is wax buildup, and needs to be cleaned, else the mold will reappear. Follow up with a thin layer of paste wax as you have stripped your furniture of its protective wax cover.

6 Clean the mold that has grown into the wood under the finish (not on finished area) by gently scrubbing the affected area with a solution made of 5 parts water and 1 part chlorine bleach. Rinse the surface thoroughly with plain water. Dry thoroughly. Do not use bleach on finished surfaces.

7 Leave out the cleaned furniture in the sunlight for a couple of hours if you can. Sunlight aids in oxidation and will help eliminate the source of mold/mildew. Ensure that the day is clear, with very little humidity in the air. Check the weather before proceeding. You want to eliminate mold, not encourage it.

8 Consult professional refinishers when excessive mildew has occurred on valuable antique furniture.


black mold removal home remedy on November 19, 2009 at 6:50 PM said...

This means that you will need to learn some good cleaning techniques that will help you remove mold and mildew and permanently keep it out of your home. The most important point to remember is that you should always avoid creating the conditions that make it convenient for mold and mildew to develop.

Angela McIntyre on September 30, 2017 at 3:00 AM said...

Understanding the basic concepts of mold remediation and mold removal is not difficult and is essential if you want to hire the right professional at the best price and highest quality.

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