Sunday, November 1, 2009

10 tips for successful and stress free life

Everybody’s main wish is to have a successful and easy-going life. For this, one must develop and maintain amicable relations with his neighbors. If you fail to achieve success in your career means, you are not evincing keen interest and also not giving much importance to human relations.

It clearly indicates that you are not obtaining timely and real help from your neighbors. This is the main obstacle on the way of your journey to success. Your mere hard-working work ethic doesn’t help you to achieve your goals in life, for that you also need other’s help.

You know it pretty well that man is a social living-being (creature). To obtain your neighbor’s help, follow these below given guide-lines (tips), which in turn help you t reach the top of the ladder of success.

10 tips to lead a successful life:

1. Sincerely convey your appreciation, whenever, they obtain success in their career or in business, etc.

2. Meet them personally and solace them, if they are in trouble.

3. Honestly give your helping-hand to save them, whenever, they are in danger.

4. Be away from your personal egos (egoism), otherwise which themselves move you away from others.

5. Make it a good habit to call your friends and other known persons by their respective names, which in turn makes them joyful, as the sweetest thing for every one in this world is “his own name”.

6. Never forget to attend to “spiritual programs” which gives us mental peace, and make it a point to gain more knowledge about God, the omnipotent and our savior.

7. Speak always positively with others and often give complements for their good deeds, talents and also the plus points, present in them.

8. Send to the newly-formed friends greetings on their birthdays and also gifts on their wedding-days.
The most important thing is contact them by phone and convey your best wishes to them.

8. Nobody is 100% perfect (in God’s creation), including yourself. So, don’t criticize anybody as far as possible, as everyone has got his own plus and minus points.

9. Successful man always moves along with others, but not away from them.

10. The last but not the least point is, develop neither superiority complex, nor, inferiority complex, but be normal and dedicated in your dealings with others.

Success quote: “Success is nothing but a continuous process, so, is always on the move”.


misstangguo on November 2, 2009 at 4:00 PM said...

HI! dropping by!
have a nice day!!

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